Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Internet Forum Board Search Engine Optimization Tips

by: Alessandro Golkar

A forum board is a great way in which you can create a community around your website, for recreational purposes or, even better, business. Learn how to optimize your forum board to obtain maximum results.

That is, having a targeted community on your website let you have a poll of users that came on your website because interested from the forum board, that are potential customers as well for your business.

However, a careful search engine optimization (SEO) on your forum must be made in order to have an optimal indexing from Google, thus achieving the goal of receiving free traffic from this search engine. Actually, there are several search engines on the web, but the only one effectively giving you traffic (when you’re in their SERPS of course) is Google itself.

For this reason, keep SEO in mind when installing your forum board. Whether you are using free scripts such as PhpBB or commercial scripts like vBulletin, make sure that for each page the correct meta tags and page title are displayed.

That is, the page title must reflect the content of your page, along with the description and keywords meta tags. Keep in mind that each page should rank for one or two keywords only, that should be the most frequent words in the page (anyway monitor the keyword density to avoid penalization during the indexing).

Having different page titles make you avoid the major problem of having all your forum board out of the SERPS due to the duplicate content filter, although the actual content is differing on its page: this happens when page titles are not properly setup. If you don’t know how to manage page titles and meta tags, you should look for a professional to do the work for you.

Moreover, make sure that your forum’s content is publicly viewable, otherwise the search engine crawlers won’t be able to index it thus you will lose potential future traffic.

As a last note, remember that search engines take a lot of time before putting your pages in the SERPS. So, keep in mind that you are playing on the long term, and don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right now: if you have done a good work, traffic and popularity are natural consequences.

About The Author

Alessandro Golkar is the founder and CEO of ForumBoosting.com , whose company website is http://www.forumboosting.com , the forum promotion and enhancement firm that established its operations in November 2005. They are helping forum owners to kickstart their board and revive old ones, putting fresh content on them, and making a proper search engine optimization on their pages. Paid forum posting is the main business, along with forum seo services.

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